This blog is focused on the politics and social news of the 58th District of Illinois (Lake Bluff, Lake Forest, Highwood, Highland Park, Deerfield, Northbrook, Riverwoods, Bannockburn and Glencoe) and serves as a discussion group for concerned residents of the District and the State of Illinois who want to change the direction of our broken state government and improve the lives of all Illinoisans.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Blame the Democrats

Editorial from the Joliet paper...

Joliet Herald
June 8, 2008

Next time you drive over a pothole-filled road or become upset that your child is in an overcrowded classroom, think of the Illinois House Democrats and especially their "leader," House Speaker Michael Madigan.

In an amazing display of political idiocy, the House Democrats have failed to show any backbone to pass a $34 billion capital bill. That bill would have funded roads, bridges and schools, including $149 million for school construction in the Joliet Grade School District. Why did the House members choose a path of inactivity?

Because they were concerned that Gov. Rod Blagojevich might have too much power in deciding where the funds come from and where they will go.

In other words, the Democratic governor isn't trusted by many House Democrats, and because of this "mistrust," money won't be available on the innumerable projects that are so desperately needed.

Ironically, many of these same House Democrats had no problem giving former Republican governor and current federal inmate George Ryan free rein to spend in his $12 billion Illinois FIRST program, which was funded by higher license plate stickers and a raise in liquor taxes. Ryan gave $5.5 million for an ice arena in his hometown of Kankakee and used FIRST money to pay for an Italian-American Sports Hall of Fame. No House Democrats voiced concerns about Ryan's handouts.
But now the Democrats have a problem with Blagojevich. What's obvious is this problem is rooted in the inability of House Democrats to work for the people and instead cater to the petty interests of the misguided, bitter House Speaker who is having another of his endlessly exasperating and childish standoffs with the governor.

Republicans, led by House Minority Leader Tom Cross, R-Oswego, see the Democrats' inaction as unacceptable, and we agree.
"Do they trust him or not?" Cross said of the House Democrats' attitude toward the governor. "The fact that we don't like someone is not an excuse for not getting our work done."

Cross crystallizes our view. The Democratic-controlled Senate found the capital plan acceptable, including funding the bill by leasing the state lottery and expanding gambling.

Lawmakers haven't passed a new statewide construction program in nine years. And it appears that House Democrats are going extend the wait until at least the November veto session.

It's very clear. If you want road repairs, school additions and construction, then contact the House Democrats. They must decide whether to serve the people's interests or continue blindly following Madigan.

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