This blog is focused on the politics and social news of the 58th District of Illinois (Lake Bluff, Lake Forest, Highwood, Highland Park, Deerfield, Northbrook, Riverwoods, Bannockburn and Glencoe) and serves as a discussion group for concerned residents of the District and the State of Illinois who want to change the direction of our broken state government and improve the lives of all Illinoisans.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Why We Need Republicans in State Government

How did the GOP Lose the Suburban Voters?

A central question asked is "How did the GOP lose its suburban support?" it happened because it has strayed from the core Republican principles of limited government and fiscal conservatism. The play-to-the-base strategy that demagogues moral issues and abandons fiscal conservatism is why so many suburban voters feel alienated and have left the party.

Generally speaking, suburban voters are fiscally conservative and socially moderate...They used to be Rockefeller Republicans but now they're Democrats because they feel there is no room in the Republican Party anymore for Rockefeller Republicans."

Whether you're a "Rockefeller Republican," an Eisenhower Republican, or a Republican of the Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Dewey or Ronald Reagan mold, or just a moderate/independent who is sick of the mess that is Illinois government there is a place in the GOP for you. If you share our vision of a Republican Party that is unified by the basic tenets of fiscal responsibility and personal freedom, but that allows for diverse opinions on social issues, our campaign welcomes you.

If you believe in ethical government; low taxes with balanced budgets; rewarding hard work and economic growth; protection of the environment; and less government interference in individual lives, I invite you to join our efforts. It's only by rebuilding the party from the grassroots up that we'll get a government that works to protect the health, safety and prosperity of all Illinoisans. It's only by having a strong Republican party in Illinois that we will have a fair, honest and open government.

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